The day began with worship led by the pastor and musicians of GPS Faith Community, a congregation given its start by Grace Lutheran Church in Loves Park. GPS will be received into the synod at our 2010 Synod Assembly. Acoustics in the gym for both speaking and singing are a challenge and this year was no exception. Bishop Wollersheim preached the homily. An offering of over $2,300 was received for Lutheran Disaster Response, specifically to help earthquake victims in Haiti and Chile.
Bishop Wollersheim introduced representatives from our five new Synodically Authorized Worshiping Communities in Moline, Galena, Johnsburg, Oregon and Rockton. These groups are exploring options for their future in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Worship was followed by a keynote address by Dr. Craig Nessan, a popular professor at Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque. Craig has been well received in our synod previously when he spoke at an assembly. We were blessed and challenged by his teaching on the mission of the church.

In addition to learning and experiencing new things, I really enjoy CRE because it is an opportunity to see old friends from across the synod. I have a sense that I am not alone that!
Thanks go to the CRE team and the Congregational Life Committee for their fine work in putting CRE together! This event takes a lot of work.
Thanks go to the CRE team and the Congregational Life Committee for their fine work in putting CRE together! This event takes a lot of work.
Comments? Go to http://niselca.blogspot.com/. --JC