Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Back when I was in junior high school, it was every boy’s hope to receive a note from a girl with SWAK written across the back of the envelope. Do you remember what that means?

In this world of abbreviations and acronyms, we have a new one that is the source of a lot of curiosity in the life of the synod right now. SAWC stands for Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community. Our Synod Council has established five of them over the past year, four of which are still meeting.

An SAWC is generally formed to “test the field.” It is a way to determine if there is a need and the critical mass for establishing a new congregation in a certain area. In the Northern Illinois Synod, four SAWCs have been formed to provide a place of healing and worship for members of congregations engaged in the process of leaving the ELCA. The process of disassociating from the ELCA is a long and painful one for everyone involved. Some members in these congregations, who wish to remain loyal to the ELCA, have found themselves feeling disenfranchised in their own church homes with no place else to go. These members have been invited by Bishop Wollersheim to consider their options and an SAWC has been the result in five locations.

One SAWC, Saving Faith in Moline has completed its work and its people have gone to other local ELCA congregations in the Quad-cities. Open Arms, Rockton and Freedom, Oregon are meeting for worship and mutual support and providing an ELCA presence in these communities. Together in Christ, Johnsburg may merge back into Joyful Harvest Church as it reconsiders its future with the ELCA.

Lord of Love, our SAWC in Galena, began with former members of St. Matthew Lutheran Church. Even though St. Matthew has not voted to leave the ELCA, the people who formed it were seeking a church home away from their former congregation. It is hoped that the community can support two ELCA congregations.

Our SWACs are testing the field. Some are showing signs of growth from among non-Lutherans and the unchurched. Some may grow into new congregations.

Your questions regarding SAWCs are welcome. If you care to comment or ask a question, please go to --JC