Today and tomorrow more than 700 youth and their adult leaders from Northern Illinois Synod congregations will begin their trek to the ELCA Youth Gathering. They will be joining others from throughout our ELCA, July 22 through 26, in New Orleans. Approximately 35,000 teenagers and leaders will come together under this year’s gathering theme, “Jesus Justice Jazz.”
During this gathering, each and every participant will have the opportunity to engage in service and recovery projects throughout New Orleans. Heidi Hagstrom, the director of the ELCA Youth Gathering has said, “We have done some research and have determined, to the best of our ability, that the ELCA’s service effort in New Orleans is likely to be the largest servant ministry ever attempted in a three-day period of time.”
I am not terribly envious of the lengthy bus ride to New Orleans. But I am envious of the experience that our young people will have. They will worship, learn, work and bond. They will experience the church in a new way. They will find that there are Lutheran youth from throughout this country with whom they share a common faith. I am also envious of the opportunities that the leaders will have to make a difference in the lives of our youth.
Please remember the gathering in your prayers. Pray for all as they travel to and from New Orleans. Pray for the youth that their faith may be strengthened in their service. Pray for stamina and good health for adult leaders.
More information may be found at: http://www.elca.org/Growing-In-Faith/Ministry/Youth-Ministry/Youth-Gathering.aspx. --JC
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