The Northern Illinois Synod is allotted 19 voting members (including the bishop), who have been elected by our Synod Assembly or by our eight conferences. Our voting members have already met with Bishop Wollersheim twice in preparation for their experience. The assembly requires quite a commitment. By the assembly’s closing at noon on Sunday, August 23, our voting members will no doubt be tired. It is an exhilarating yet exhausting time.
In addition to our voting members, our synod always has a good representation of observers and visitors. (Be sure to let me know if you are there!)
Following the action of this year’s assembly will be easier than ever before. A live video feed will be available along with recorded videos, an assembly blog, tweets, and Facebook updates. Just check the ELCA Web site or go to: http://www.elca.org/Who-We-Are/Our-Three-Expressions/Churchwide-Organization/Office-of-the-Secretary/ELCA-Governance/Churchwide-Assembly/Multimedia.aspx for more information.
A lot of attention has already been given to the votes on the proposed social statement on sexuality and the recommendations on ministry policies. Other significant business will include action on full communion with the United Methodist Church, funding of the HIV and AIDS strategy, and the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. Of course, each day will be grounded in worship. There will also be lots of routine business to which to attend.
I will plan to update this blog daily from the assembly. There is no need for me to report the actions taken by the assembly since the information will be so readily available. Instead I will try to focus on our voting member’s experiences, provide an Illinois perspective, or offer some random observations.
If you wish to comment, please go to http://niselca.blogspot.com/. Thanks for reading. --JC
Regular updates from the assembly will also be available at the NIS CWA website. Go to www.nisynod.org/cwa .