Mission Gatherings have been an autumn tradition for many years in the Northern Illinois Synod. This year the gatherings are focusing on the practical aspects of implementing the Book of Faith Initiative in our congregations. Elizabeth Martin, an Associate in Ministry serving Christ Lutheran Church in Belvidere, and Pastor Kurt Nordby, our synod’s Director for Evangelical Mission, are sharing the role of presenter. Elizabeth has done a wonderful job in leading the first two. One gathering is scheduled for each of our eight conferences. Bishop Wollersheim, his full-time staff, and the conference assistant to the bishop are all in attendance, so it is a great time to make some contacts.
The remainder of the Mission Gathering schedule is available at http://www.nisynod.org/missiongatherings/index.html. Gatherings are intended for all interested members and rostered leaders. We are hearing creative stories of how Bible study is growing in our congregations. Keep up the good work!
Bishop Wollersheim and his staff are also attending conference meetings with all rostered leaders to discuss the actions of the Churchwide Assembly and their implications for our congregations and for our work together as a synod. Attendance has been good so far and I hope this will continue. Open communication is more important than ever right now. It will also be good for rostered leaders to be together at our annual Professional Leaders Conference later this month.
If you are a lay person, you will want to know that at the conclusion of each Mission Gathering, Bishop Wollersheim is offering an additional 30 minutes for discussion of the Churchwide Assembly. He makes a short presentation and then provides time for questions. “Coffees with the Bishop” have been scheduled as well for four Saturday mornings. The times and locations may be found at: http://www.nisynod.org/bishop/coffee. Please join your synod brothers and sisters so that your questions can be answered.
Yes, these are busy days, but I really look forward to seeing so many folks at all of these events. As always, if we, the synod staff, can be of service to your congregation, please give us that opportunity.
Comments? Go to http://niselca.blogspot.com/. --JC
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