If you have ever entered Milledgeville, Illinois from the west, one of the first landmarks you recognize is Trinity Lutheran Church. The face of the church, with its massive cross reflecting the afternoon sun, could not be missed. I have always felt that the church stood there as a Lutheran welcome sign to the town.
Perhaps it was this building’s exposed profile that made it vulnerable to the savage storm that blew into town on Monday. The front wall of the church building collapsed and the back windows blew out as the wind surged through the building. It looked to me as if the roof had been lifted off the support beams.
As I surveyed the damage, first with Trinity members and then with Pastor Kathy Burkheimer, they repeatedly said “It could have been so much worse.” Of course, that is true. There was no one in the building at 9:30 Monday evening when the storm hit. Other damage in town appeared to be minimal. No injuries or death were reported. Trinity’s resilience and positive attitude was already evident in their words.
I stood in the narthex looking at the pile of bricks where the altar had been. The lights hanging from the ceiling swayed gently in the breeze. The sanctuary lamp still hung in its place. This nave, which so recently had been filled with the sounds of Easter joy, was now filled with the sounds of workers, inside and out.
For now, please pray for the people of Trinity Lutheran Church. They will gather this evening (Wednesday) for a time of prayer and discussion at the church. They also have a place to worship this week. First Lutheran Church of West Jordan, Trinity’s sister congregation in the “Faith on 40” parish, has opened its doors. A structural engineer will be inspecting today, so the congregation should know more of what they face very soon.
The road ahead for Trinity will be long. Pastor Burkheimer says it will be “inconvenient and an adventure.” We will keep you informed of ways that you, as a part of this synod, can be helpful to Trinity.
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