Katie’s Cup is one of my favorite spots in Rockford. It is a full-service coffee shop with everything you would expect: great coffee, coffee drinks, muffins and pastries, a lunch menu and free Wi-Fi. I have escaped from the telephone to work on a sermon or two there. My success rate at getting much work done at Katie’s Cup is not particularly good. I always run into people I know and there is nothing better than a little face-to-face conversation. Katie’s Cup is also part bookstore and part gathering spot.
In the past few weeks, I have taken part in two Katie’s Cup Conversations. These are occasional events to which the public is invited. The Rev. John M. Buchanan, editor of The Christian Century was the guest speaker at the first. A group of 65 of us joined for lunch, Pastor Buchanan’s presentation, followed by questions and answers. This past week, I heard Louis Dorvilier, director for international development and disaster response, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A native Haitian, he gave an overview of Haiti’s history and the church’s response to the crisis caused by this year’s earthquake.
Katie’s Cup opened in early 2009 with the vision of becoming a place for the community to discuss important issues. I will be going back next week to hear a photographer from a local (non-Lutheran) congregation speak about his recent experiences in Haiti.
Katie’s Cup is a business jointly run by Zion Development and Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries. Its name honors Katharina von Bora. I do not know if she drank coffee. I do know that she helped make the beer and enjoyed deep conversation! If you get to Rockford, stop in Katie’s Cup and enjoy the coffee and atmosphere. Try a
Mocha—my personal favorite! It is located at the corner of 7th Street and 4th Avenue. If you do not find someone to talk to, the synod office is only a few blocks away. I can be there in five minutes.
Comments? Go to the blog site (
http://niselca.blogspot.com/). Pictured is Mariel Heinke, director of Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries. --JC
Thank you for posting this important historical information. Katie's Cup has been a positive influence on the area.