As I was walking by this car, I sensed something behind me. It was a hybrid vehicle, coming up behind me, silently, with the driver waiting patiently for me to get out of his way. I quickly got out of the way and waved my apology to the driver.
My experience was an important reminder for me. The synod-owned car that I drive is a hybrid and will often run silently in parking lots and in city traffic, so I cannot expect that everyone will either hear or sense my car coming.
The 2008 Synod Assembly mandated that the Northern Illinois Synod become a “green synod.” Among the requirements of the resolution was “replacing synod owned vehicles with those that are the most environmentally friendly available (currently hybrid).” The synod achieved that goal earlier this year with the replacement of our third vehicle with a hybrid vehicle. Currently we own two Toyota hybrids and one Ford hybrid.
Along with efforts in our office, the synod staff is working to make this a green synod. The 2008 assembly also adopted a resolution that encouraged congregations to evaluate their buildings and grounds and take a minimum of two steps each year to help reduce the congregation's negative impact upon the environment and to educate and encourage members “on the ways in which they can help care for God's creation in their everyday lives by living simply and walking lightly on the earth.”
How are you doing in your congregation? How are you doing in your individual efforts? I know my congregation has made many changes. Personally, we have changed all of the lights in our home to CFLs. I am a bit frustrated that they don’t seem to last as long as they are advertized to last, but we have certainly gotten used to them. Our personal car has a small engine and gets pretty good mileage, but we could be doing better. The next time we purchase a vehicle, we will certainly explore what the best options are. My wife is also leading the charge to simplify our livestyle.
Greening was a big emphasis for our synod in 2008 and 2009. Just because we are not talking about it as much right now does not lessen the importance of care for God’s creation. Allow this blog entry be a simple reminder to us all.
Comments? Go to http://niselca.blogspot.com/ or comment on Facebook. All comments will appear on the blog site. --JC
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