Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Donate Life

I received a notice in February that my driver's license would expire on my birthday. I like to get a new license every four years as opposed to sending in for a renewal sticker because it helps to have a recent picture for the TSA folks at the airport. Rather than three inspections of my license, I have found that a recent picture reduces it to two or maybe even to just one good look.

I appreciate getting that renewal notice early so I can stop into a Secretary of State's office when I am out and about that is not as busy as the one closest to my home. This time I got my new license in Dixon where I did not even have to take a number to be served!

My new license has a red image of the state of Illinois with the word "donor" imprinted on it. Several years ago the congregation I served talked about organ donation in worship and in the adult class. I signed the back of a number of licenses that day as a witness as some individuals chose to become organ donors. Ever since I have made sure that my license indicated that I wish to be an organ donor should I die.
About two weeks ago I received a letter from the Secretary of State thanking me for choosing to be an organ donor and explaining that in Illinois my decision to be a donor is legally binding, which means that additional witnesses or family consent is no longer necessary.

I have sat with families in the hospital as they have been asked the agonizing question regarding organ and tissue donation. A hospital waiting room is not the place to make that kind of decision. I discussed my wishes with my wife and together we have made the decision.

April is "Donate Life" month. Becoming an organ donor may or may not be right for you. As a pastor, I can tell you that as Lutherans we have no church rules or theological reasons that prevent us from donating organs.

I encourage you to speak with your family. Speak also with your pastor. Talk about organ donation at church.
Your comments and discussion points are welcome.

Here are resources that you will find helpful:

From the Illinois Secretary of State:

From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for helping call attention to the crucial issue of organ & tissue donation. In Illinois alone, 4,700 people are currently waiting for a lifesaving transplant. Nationwide, the list has crossed more than 100,000 waiting.

    Donate Life Illinois is working in conjunction with Secretary of State Jesse White to educate Illinois residents about the issue and encourage actionable registration. Many people do not realize that as a registered donor, you can help save and enhance the lives of more than 25 people.

    I encourage everyone to visit to learn about donation, register and tell your friends, family and co-workers. In addition, you may enjoy this video we created to call attention to April as National Donate Life Month:

    Thanks again.


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