This event, as grand as it was, would probably not be considered a momentous one by most in the Northern Illinois Synod. After all, Luther Seminary is but one of the ELCA’s eight seminaries and most of our new pastors come from either Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa or Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. However, among Luther’s graduates were one who has been assigned by the church to serve in our synod and another who is my son.

In that moment, I was reminded that our pew was very crowded. I was surrounded by my family, my daughter-in-law’s family and the closest of friends. But, you were there too. The congregation that has nurtured my son since he was six years old was there. Two other congregations (one is my daughter-in law’s home congregation) that have also financially supported him in his seminary education were there. Other congregations that have prayed for my son and others in our candidacy process were there. Finally, every congregation of our synod that gives Mission Support for the work of the wider church was there. Our pew was quite crowded indeed!
Holy Trinity Sunday may have passed quietly for you. Perhaps it was lost altogether in the Memorial Day weekend. It was a joy-filled day for our family. Dare I suggest that it was a momentous day for our synod?
Comments? Go to http://niselca.blogspot.com/. Thanks for reading! --JC
Congratulations, Pr. Jeff to your son. If he is half the pastor that you are, the church is blessed indeed!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great day for your family and for all those gathered ... for us, too, for as we are on in our baptism, one in the Lord, and one in our faith, so we are one in the body of Christ and share in this time of celebration. May this next portion of your son's journey be one rich with many blessings. --Jane McChesney