Sunday, December 11, 2011

NIS Youth Ministry

Mary Lasits recently resigned her part-time position as youth coordinator for the Northern Illinois Synod.  Her leadership over the past four years has been well appreciated across the synod.  Mary felt God calling her to do something else in the church, so she is now working with Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio as the director of congregational relations.  While we miss Mary, we know that she is serving the church in a significant way.

With Mary’s departure, the synod had an opportunity to reexamine how we do youth ministry.  As we began that process, the leadership team of Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center approached me with an intriguing proposal.  LOMC offered to assume the responsibilities of the youth coordinator, maintaining current programs and expanding the possibilities.

I am very pleased to officially announce that we accepted LOMC’s proposal.  From LOMC’s existing staff, Audrey Adams will serve as youth event coordinator and Amy Hoening will be leadership mentor.   George Davis will also be directly involved in providing leadership.

Our LYO board will continue to function as it has been.  Rosemary Sibley (First, Prophetstown), lead LYO adult advisor will continue to serve in that capacity.

For several years, Bishop Gary Wollersheim has sought to strengthen our relationships with our agencies and institutions.  Our youth ministry has already experienced a beneficial relationship with Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northern Illinois University (now Grace Place @ NIU).   This arrangement with LOMC is another great step.

Youth ministry questions may be directed to Audrey and Amy at LOMC, (815) 732-2220.  LYO Board and ELCA Youth Gathering questions may be directed to Rosemary, (815) 537-2758.  Questions or concerns regarding this arrangement may be directed to me, (815) 964-9934.  –JC

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