Tuesday, June 12, 2012

25th Anniversary

We are now just a couple of days away from the 25th annual assembly of the Northern Illinois Synod!  In the past, I have likened the assembly to a family reunion.  This year it has felt like we have been planning a party.

Augustana College is our host.
I am looking forward to hearing from Lowell Almen, former secretary of the churchwide organization. He carries an unbelievable knowledge of the ELCA and its predecessor bodies.  We will be honored by the presence and preaching of our former presiding bishop, Herb Chilstrom.  We will be greeting and thanking former synod officers and former synod staff members.  I have a great appreciation for all of them.

In his report, Bishop Wollersheim will be sharing a video that will review the history of the synod.  We will be reminded of how far we’ve come and get a sense of where we’re headed.  We have an amazing story to tell.  It will be fun to see the story in images chosen from over 4,000 in the synod’s collection.  Each congregation will receive its own copy of the video and it will be available later online.

We will have two wonderful worship opportunities.  On Friday evening, four new pastors will be ordained.  On Saturday afternoon (at 1:30 p.m.) we will celebrate our anniversary.  Though we will not have a full memorial service, we will be remembering one synod pastor who died in the past year and members of our congregations who have died in prayer.
Members of Trinity, Moline helped pack bags

Of course, we will also be taking care of business such as adopting a budget and holding elections.  The agenda is very full!  A certain highlight will be the reception of a new congregation, Lord of Love, Galena.  If you’ve never been at an assembly when a new congregation is introduced, you are in for an inspiring moment.

When we leave Rock Island on Saturday afternoon, we will have taken a look back over 25 years.   But, more importantly, we will be sent into the future recommitted to the mission of Christ and the work of the church.  Looking back once in a while is a good exercise.   It tells us something about who we are.  Looking forward is exciting.  What is God calling us to do and be in the next 25 years?

Comments?  Go to the blog website or comment on Facebook.  --JC

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