Monday, August 5, 2013

Churchwide Assembly 2013

Bishop Wollersheim describing the election process
The Churchwide Assembly is now just a week away!  Soon, 952 voting members from 65 synods and 9,638 congregations serve on behalf of the 4,059,785 baptized members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  Seventeen of those voting members have been elected to serve from the Northern Illinois Synod.

This past Saturday, Bishop Wollersheim met for the second time with our voting members to brief them on what to expect as they gather in Pittsburgh.  This will be a significant Churchwide Assembly as the church will be electing a presiding bishop and secretary to guide us for the next six years.  Bishop Mark Hanson has indicated that he is willing to continue in his office, but David Swartling has stated that he will not stand again for the office of secretary.  There is also a social statement on criminal justice that will be considered.

This year’s assembly will be largely paperless.  All voting members will be using iPads for the assembly materials.  Any voting member who does not have a personal iPad will be provided with one for the duration of the assembly.

Technology also will allow those at home to watch all of the assembly’s plenary sessions and, for the first time, all of the worship experiences as well.  These will be streamed in real time, so it will be just like being there in the convention center, although you may have a better view.  To follow along, simple go to and follow the instructions.

I am looking forward to seeing some of my synod staff colleagues from across the country.  Travel budgets are very tight, so there may not be many of us in attendance this year.

Please remember to pray for the assembly as it meets and takes care of the business of the church.  Important decisions will be made.  The days are long and may be stressful.  Pray for our voting members.  Safe travel and good health are always concerns.  And, pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the church that all we do be for the upbuilding of the body of Christ.

Comments?  Click here to go the blog website or comment on Facebook.  --JC

1 comment:

  1. Please note that I cannot publish comments without a name and congregation. I have received a comment in response to this blog post that suggested that a change in leadership in the church is needed. It was submitted without a name or congregation.


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