The time of each session was lengthened to accommodate as much as possible. Highlights of the day include a change from a two year cycle for Churchwide Assemblies to a three year cycle beginning after 2013. The secretary, treasurer and vice-president of our ELCA each gave their reports. Christina Jackson-Skelton was honored for her service as treasurer as she leaves that post to become executive director of the Mission Advancement unit. Secretary David Swartling gave, what I believe to be, a terrific report. In it he had the assembly repeat after him, “My congregation’s constitution is a missional document.” Have you ever thought of your congregation’s constitution that way? If not, I invite you to do so!
I enjoyed the greeting from the general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation. The Rev. Martin Junge (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chile) reminded us of the important work we do together with Lutherans throughout the world. We also heard from Lutheran Disaster Response and our ministry partners, Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Services in America, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
The preacher at today’s worship was Pastor Livenson Lauvanus, president of the Lutheran Church in Haiti. He proclaimed, “There is no gospel without transformation.” The message of the gospel changes everything. One hymn in worship was unfamiliar to me. I believe it is French in origin. One stanza begins, “Lord, Jesus, I’ll praise you as long as I journey.” My heart was wholly engaged in worship today.
Just prior to worship, Bishop Wollersheim gathered our voting members for a group picture. I’ll post the one I took, although it isn’t very good. Karin Graddy will have a better one for us.
Each day I am posting some quotes from our voting members on the synod’s Facebook page. I do want to share what voting member Bob McVinnie said here. Bob said, “The assembly is just exhilarating. I have been emotionally moved to tears a few times.” Me too, Bob.
As the assembly gathered for lunch, the assistants to the bishop who are present from a number of synods joined together at the invitation of the churchwide organization. It was good to have conversation with old friends and get caught up on what we need to know. I don’t know what everyone else had to eat, but the salmon we had was delicious.
I told you yesterday that I had made my pledge for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. So far at this assembly, there have been 111 pledges made which represent a total commitment of $106,785. That’s great, but there are about 1,200 people here. I’m hoping the total goes much higher. I can’t wait for you to have an opportunity to make a commitment too.
This evening there was a reception for everyone hosted by seminaries and colleges. I spoke with one seminary president and a representative from one of our collges in California. It is hard to not be impressed with what our colleges and seminaries are doing.
Now a long day has come to an end. Since we’re a bit behind schedule, the assembly will begin 15 minutes early tomorrow. There’s a lot of work left to do. We thank God for a good day.
Comments? Go to or comment on Facebook. --JC
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