Host Bishop Ed Benoway of the Florida-Bahamas Synod greeted the assembly. Referring to both hurricanes and controversy, he said that his synod has had to withstand some heavy storms in the past few years. “But,” he said, “the church is designed to withstand strong forces. We are a resilient church and a resilient people of God.” These were good words to hear as the assembly began its work.
Bishop Mark Hanson preached and presided at this afternoon’s Holy Communion. Using the texts for Mary, Mother of our Lord, he asked, “Are we as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ready to be moved by the Spirit as Mary was moved?” He said that by the time the assembly closes on Friday that question will have been answered. It was a powerful sermon.
This evening the assembly adopted a resolution that approved the ELCA Malaria Campaign. This will be a churchwide effort to support the elimination of malaria. The goal is to raise $15 million in the next four years. It would seem to be a highly achievable goal.
Read more about assembly actions at
Tomorrow’s first plenary begins at 8:00 a.m., so it will be a short night!
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