Thursday, February 5, 2009

On the Sea

We spent yesterday in the Galilee region. The weather was spectacular though they are in desperate need of rain here. We began the day by viewing a 2,000 year old boat recovered from the floor of the Sea of Galilee that appeared due to low water levels. For most of us the highlight of the day was a boat ride on the Sea of Galillee in the afternoon. The boat stopped in the middle of the water and in the silence we spoke of Jesus calming the water, walking on the water, and calling Peter to him. We prayed for the world and especially peace for this region of the world. We also prayed that this trip might embolden us to be better witnesses.

Everyone in our group is well. The jet lag is subsiding and folks are sleeping better. Everyone sends their greetings. Today we head to Jerusalem to the Holocaust museum before ending the day in Bethlehem. We can honestly say, we wish you were here. --JC

1 comment:

  1. Jeff and friends,
    I enloy the blog. Having been on the sea of Galilee I know the wonderful and awesom feeling to be where Jesus walked.
    Enjoy Bethlehem and reet my friends ther.
    You are in my prayers.


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