Monday, July 23, 2012

2012 ELCA Youth Gathering

The organizers of the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering placed upon synodical bishops the expectation that they would attend this year’s gathering and take an active part in the life of this church’s young people.  It took little more than an invitation because most if not all bishops highly value youth ministry and faith formation.  In the end, a very impressive 63 of 65 bishops were in attendance to engage and participate.  Bishop Wollersheim’s sabbatical this summer conflicted with the Gathering, a fact which caused him some considerable distress.  He debated about what to do, but he was finally persuaded by his staff and family that his sabbatical had to be the higher priority.  It was several months ago that he asked if I would attend in his place.

The Northern Illinois Synod had approximately 51 congregations represented at the gathering.  I don’t know the exact number because some youth may have registered with another congregation.  In all, we had over 600 from our synod in New Orleans.  They traveled there by bus, train, van and air.  The largest group had 41 and the smallest was a group of two.

The bishops were specifically asked to assist in a Practice Peacemaking activity, to accompany a congregation in a Practice Justice service project, and to preach for their respective synod’s Practice Discipleship worship.  As the bishop’s stand-in, I was assigned to be a prayer partner, to accompany Freedom SAWC (Oregon, IL) for their day of service and to preach and preside for the Northern Illinois Synod’s worship.

It was great fun for me to share God’s Word and share Communion with our young people and their adult leaders.  A flooded ballroom at the Marriott forced us to move to a less ideal space one floor below, but we did just fine in the slightly cramped quarters.  The day before our synod worship, I was informed that a young woman had asked if it would be possible to be baptized.  Hakilah was baptized from water held in plastic ice cream cups I hastily purchased from the Walgreen’s across the street.  What incredible joy filled the room as I poured the water over her head! 

There are photos, videos, summaries, blogs and Facebook entries that tell the story of the Gathering.  I hope you will take a look at what’s out there.  Pay closest attention to materials provided by the youth.  If you had youth from your congregation attend the Gathering, ask them about the experience.  They will want to tell you.  Listen carefully and you will hear how the Holy Spirit moved them.  Allow these young people to teach you something about how to practice your faith.  They have spent the better part of a week practicing their faith in new and exciting ways.

If you, as a congregation member, participated in any fundraiser or helped youth from your congregation in any way to get to New Orleans, please receive the thanks of your youth and your synod.  An experience such as this is expensive in dollars but priceless in what it can do in a young life.

I am both physically and emotionally tired from this past week’s gathering in New Orleans.  My tiredness is nothing compared to that of the pastors and adult leaders who traveled with youth from their congregations.  Be sure to thank those who traveled from your congregation with your youth.  They are special folks.

Selfishly, I am so very glad that I was able to attend in Bishop Wollersheim’s place.  I am filled with gratitude for the experiences of the time we had together in New Orleans.

Comments?  Go to the blog site or comment on Facebook.  Find more Gathering info here.  --JC

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